Why having a home you love is so important

Our houses provide us with much needed shelter and security but it is so important that your home becomes more than bricks and mortar. Our homes should be our sanctuary and in this Blog Post we discuss why it really is so important for you to fall in love with your home, if you aren’t already…

It’s A Reflection and extension of your personality

When a guest walks into your home they should be able to instantly see and feel your personality reflected throughout the space; whether that be in accessories and artefacts you have collected over the years, a personalised art gallery, colours that resonate with you or just family photos, your space should be YOU! Having a well curated and beautiful space does not mean that it has to be generic or a carbon copy of something you have seen in an Interiors magazine. Good interior design takes a concept or a scheme which is then tailored to the person living in it, adding touches of personality in a careful and considered way. When a guest visits your home, they are usually doing it because they want to spend time with you/ get to know you more so having a space that reflects you creates a more welcoming, warmer and hospitable atmosphere - people will automatically feel more comfortable in your space if they can see you in it. Your home is an opportunity to tell your story and surround yourself with the things you love, so don’t let it skip you by.

It Allows you to fully relax

Sitting down with a nice glass of rose or a coffee at the end of a long day sounds heavenly, but is it really as sweet if you aren’t in love with your surroundings? Life nowadays is 100mph and we often get little chance to really switch off and relax, and your home should be the perfect place to do so but so many of us can’t quite manage it. Having time to re-set, to think, to dream, to manifest, to reflect, is so important for our mental health and having to carve out the right space to do so takes away from the idea itself, and means you are far less likely to do so. While the whole house does not need to be something fresh out of a spa, with busy lives/kids/pets/husbands making it all a little unrealistic, it is important to ensure that the overall atmosphere of the house is one that brings you peace, tranquillity and happiness. Life is tough, so let your home make it that little bit easier.

It Allows you to use your time, energy and headspace for other things

A ‘finished’ home is something that is incredibly rare and probably a little unrealistic, as your home should be continually evolving with you as a person/family, however living in a home that doesn’t carry a To-Do list as long as your arm is something well worth striving for. As we’ve already touched on, life carries a lot of responsibility and having a home that hangs over you shouldn’t be adding to this. Dedicating time, energy and funds to the home is well worth doing either in one go, or when finances allow, so that you can complete the project and then sit back and enjoy the results. This way, you can spend your precious time doing the things you really love instead of the occassional bit of DIY every time you have a spare hour.

IT Means you look forward to being in your own space (& YOU ACTUALLY SAVE MONEY!)

Continually finding ways to spend time out of your home, from dinners out because you haven’t got the right dining set up, to cinema trips because it just isn’t quite as comfy to watch a film at home, can be financially and emotionally draining! Your home should be a place that you look forward to returning to, and have to drag yourself away from, not one that you are avoiding. Creating a space that you can proudly invite visitors to opens up so many opportunities, and really is one of life’s simple pleasures. Investing the money you would be spending continually avoiding your home will guarantee to give you a much greater return, both in achieving the home of your dreams and a your bank balance in the long run.

You’re paying a lot for it, make the most of it

Homes, of any kind, aren’t cheap nowadays so why spend a fortune every month on something you don’t love?! Our homes are our biggest investment and deserve to be treated as such. You have saved so hard to get the property you are after, and sometimes the love for a property can vanish once you are in and face what can be a mammoth task of getting exactly how you want, but it is so worth it. Often, the cost to achieve the home you really love and desire is a fraction of the total cost of the property and can actually add so much value at the point you come to sell, so it really does make financial sense to invest in the space you live in.


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